Gucci has many diffrent products available like shoes, perfume, belts, jewelry, small accessories, luggage bags, travel bags, hats, gloves, sunglasses, clothes, watches, purses etc. Gucci sells products for pets like a dog collar and dog tags. Gucci also sells clothes for kids and cases for a phone or a touch pad. Gucci offers warranty and free repair for items that are damaged. Gucci's main priority is the quality of their items, so its very rare to purchase a damaged item. All Gucci items are not hand made any more but their are some hand made items every now and then. The great thing about Gucci its that the company can make just about everything. A person can call Gucci and have an item custom made just for them but for a price. When the brand name Gucci is on a product you can rest assured that the product was well constructed and thought of.
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